What Breaks Wudu?

What Breaks Wudu OR Which Factors Break Wudu?

  • Urine and Feces: Passing urine or feces is the most common cause of breaking wudu.
  • Wind (Flatulence): Passing gas audibly or with a noticeable odor breaks wudu.
  • Blood: Any bleeding, even a small amount, invalidates wudu. However, some scholars make exceptions for minimal nosebleeds or injuries.
  • Vomit: Vomiting anything more than a small amount breaks wudu.
  • Fainting or Deep Sleep: Losing consciousness due to fainting, deep sleep, or intoxication breaks wudu.
  • Direct Touch: Direct skin-to-skin contact with one’s private parts without a barrier necessitates renewing wudu.
  • Laughter during Salah: Loud laughter that can be heard by others breaks wudu.
  • Eating camel meat (Hanbali): This is a unique position of the Hanbali school based on a specific hadith.
  • Loss of sanity: Any loss of mental stability, including insanity or deep unconsciousness, will break wudu.


These are the main factors that break wudu. There might be some other uncommon situations that could be addressed by a qualified Islamic scholar. Remember, renewing your wudu is a quick and simple process, ensuring you approach your prayers in a state of purity.

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