Ramzan-ul-Mubarak Ke Pehlay Ashray Ki Dua in Arabic With Urdu Translation (رمضان المبارک کے پہلے عشرے کی دعا عربی میں، اردو ترجمہ کے ساتھ)

The month of Ramadan is divided into three parts, each referred to as an Ashra, which translates to “ten” in Arabic. Each Ashra has its own significance and special du’a (supplication). The first Ashra, or the first ten days of Ramadan, is a period focused on seeking and receiving Allah’s mercy. It’s a time for Muslims to repent for their past sins and ask for forgiveness.
Muslims are encouraged to recite this du’a frequently during the first ten days of Ramadan. It can be incorporated into daily prayers, recited after Salah (obligatory prayers), or during moments of personal supplication. This practice helps to keep the essence of mercy at the forefront of their spiritual journey throughout Ramadan.
1st Ashra Dua in Arabic
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ
Ramzan ke Pehlay Ashray Ki Dua Urdu Tarjuma Ke Sath (رمضان کے پہلے عشرے کی دعا، اردو ترجمہ کے ساتھ)
اے رب! مجھے بخش دے اور رحم کر اور تو سب سے بہتر رحم کرنے والا ہے۔
Ramadan 1st Ashra Dua in English
"O Allah! Forgive me and have mercy on me. You are the Most Merciful of all."
Significance of the First Ashra
- Theme of Mercy: The first ten days of Ramadan are dedicated to seeking Allah’s mercy. It is a time for believers to reflect on their lives, seek forgiveness for past mistakes, and invoke Allah’s compassion.
- Spiritual Renewal: The focus on mercy encourages Muslims to purify their hearts, engage in sincere repentance, and start the month with a clean slate. It is a period for deep introspection and spiritual renewal.
- Encouragement of Good Deeds: Seeking mercy is not only about asking for forgiveness but also about performing good deeds. Muslims are encouraged to be more charitable, kind, and compassionate during this time.
Benefits of Reciting this Dua (فضیلت)
- Provides emotional comfort and reduce stress, helping individuals feel more at peace.
- Foster a sense of security and well-being.
- Encourages believers to be more compassionate and kind, positively affecting relationships with family, friends, and community.
- Seeking mercy helps build patience and resilience.
- The emphasis on mercy encourages believers to engage in good deeds, such as charity and helping others.
- Regularly reciting this dua helps in seeking forgiveness for past sins.
- Regular supplication heightens awareness of Allah’s presence and encourages living a life more aligned with Islamic principles.
- It helps to reduce arrogance and self-righteousness and promotes a humble and pious character.
- Protects from potential hardships and difficulties.
By incorporating this dua or similar supplications for forgiveness into your prayers during the first ten days of Ramadan, you can deepen your spiritual connection with Allah (SWT) and seek His mercy throughout this holy month.