Azan & Prayer (Namaz) Time Narowal: Fajr, Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib, Isha

Prayer Times for Narowal on 2024-12-01

Fajr5:17 AM
Sunrise6:43 AM
Dhuhr11:50 AM
Asr3:19 PM
Sunset4:56 PM
Maghrib4:56 PM
Isha6:22 PM
Imsak5:07 AM
Midnight11:49 PM
Firstthird9:31 PM
Lastthird2:07 AM

Importance of Accurate Prayer Times

For Muslims in Narowal, knowing the precise prayer times is essential for performing each of the five daily prayers at their designated times. Accurate timing ensures that your prayers are aligned with Islamic practices and helps maintain a consistent and devout routine.

Daily Prayer Times in Narowal

Staying updated with the prayer times in Narowal allows you to integrate your spiritual obligations seamlessly into your daily life. This schedule covers the five daily prayers: Fajr, Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib, and Isha.

Fajr Prayer Time

The Fajr prayer is performed before dawn. It is a crucial start to the day, setting the tone for the rest of your day with reflection and gratitude.

Zuhr Prayer Time

Zuhr is offered after midday. This prayer provides a moment to pause from daily activities and reconnect with your faith during the early afternoon.

Asar Prayer Time

The Asar prayer takes place in the late afternoon. It marks the middle of the day and is a time to renew your spiritual focus before the evening.

Maghrib Prayer Time

Maghrib is performed just after sunset. This prayer signifies the transition from day to night and offers a moment for reflection on the day gone by.

Isha Prayer Time

The Isha prayer, the final prayer of the day, is offered at night. It is a time for seeking forgiveness and preparing for a restful night.

How to Use the Prayer Times Widget

Our widget provides real-time updates for prayer times in Narowal, ensuring you have the most accurate information on hand. Whether at home or on the go, you can rely on this tool to stay on track with your prayers.


Maintaining punctuality in your prayers is vital for spiritual growth and discipline. Use our accurate Azan and prayer times for Narowal to ensure you observe each prayer at its proper time. Bookmark this page for easy reference and stay aligned with your spiritual commitments.

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