Bhakkar Prayer (Namaz) Time: Fajr, Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib, Isha

Prayer Times for Bhakkar on 2024-12-30

Fajr5:48 AM
Sunrise7:15 AM
Dhuhr12:18 PM
Asr3:44 PM
Sunset5:22 PM
Maghrib5:22 PM
Isha6:48 PM
Imsak5:38 AM
Midnight12:18 AM
Firstthird9:59 PM
Lastthird2:37 AM


Welcome to our detailed guide for Azan and prayer (Namaz) times in Bhakkar. Accurate prayer times are essential for maintaining your daily religious practices and spiritual routine. This guide provides you with the exact timings for Fajr, Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib, and Isha prayers, ensuring you can stay punctual with your worship.

Why Accurate Prayer Times Are Important

Timely performance of prayers is a fundamental aspect of Islamic practice. It not only helps in structuring your day but also strengthens your connection with Allah. Performing prayers at the prescribed times is crucial for spiritual discipline and adhering to Islamic teachings.

Daily Prayer Times in Bhakkar

Our detailed prayer times schedule for Bhakkar ensures you never miss a prayer. Whether you’re at home, work, or out and about, you can rely on this schedule to keep track of your prayer times throughout the day.

Fajr Prayer Time

The Fajr prayer marks the beginning of the day and is performed before dawn. It symbolizes the start of the daily routine with devotion and the seeking of blessings from Allah.

Zuhr Prayer Time

Zuhr prayer is offered after midday. It serves as a pause in the day, reminding you to refocus on spiritual duties and seek tranquility during the afternoon hours.

Asar Prayer Time

The Asar prayer is observed in the late afternoon. It acts as a reminder to continue devotion and keep the focus on Allah as the day progresses.

Maghrib Prayer Time

Maghrib prayer is performed just after sunset. This prayer signifies the end of the day and is a moment for reflection and gratitude as day transitions to night.

Isha Prayer Time

The Isha prayer is the final prayer of the day, performed at night. It provides an opportunity to seek forgiveness for any shortcomings and prepare for a restful night.

How to Use the Prayer Times Widget

Our widget below is designed to provide accurate and up-to-date prayer times for Bhakkar. It is user-friendly and compatible with various devices, ensuring you always have access to the current prayer times.


Maintaining punctuality with your prayers is vital for your spiritual well-being. With our accurate Azan and prayer times for Bhakkar, you can ensure that each prayer is performed at its designated time. Bookmark this page to stay aligned with your daily spiritual obligations.

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