Prayer Times for Quetta on 2024-12-30
Prayer | Time |
Fajr | 6:02 AM |
Sunrise | 7:28 AM |
Dhuhr | 12:34 PM |
Asr | 4:04 PM |
Sunset | 5:41 PM |
Maghrib | 5:41 PM |
Isha | 7:07 PM |
Imsak | 5:52 AM |
Midnight | 12:34 AM |
Firstthird | 10:17 PM |
Lastthird | 2:52 AM |
Note: Fajar prayer is offered 30 minutes after the call to prayer (azan), Zuhr 20 minutes after, Asar 15 minutes after, Maghrib 3 minutes after, and Isha 15 minutes after the azan.
Quetta experiences a variety of weather conditions throughout the year, which can influence the feeling and atmosphere during prayer times. In the cold months, Fajr prayer in the early morning offers a peaceful and reflective start to the day. As the sun rises higher, Zuhr provides a spiritual break at midday, allowing for a moment of tranquility amidst daily activities. Asar in the late afternoon brings a sense of calm and preparation for the evening. Maghrib, marked by the beautiful sunset, signifies the end of the day and is a time for gratitude and reflection. Finally, Isha brings peace and serenity to the night, offering a chance for introspection and connection with the divine. These timings allow the faithful in Quetta to stay connected to their spirituality throughout the day, regardless of the season.