Azan & Prayer(Namaz)Time Bahawalpur: Fajr, Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib, Isha

Prayer Times for Bahawalpur on 2025-02-27

Fajr5:22 AM
Sunrise6:42 AM
Dhuhr12:26 PM
Asr4:32 PM
Sunset6:11 PM
Maghrib6:11 PM
Isha7:30 PM
Imsak5:12 AM
Midnight12:26 AM
Firstthird10:21 PM
Lastthird2:31 AM

Note: Fajr prayer is offered 30 minutes after the call to prayer (azan), Zuhr 20 minutes after, Asar 15 minutes after, Maghrib 3 minutes after, and Isha 15 minutes after the azan.

Bahawalpur, with its diverse weather conditions throughout the year, provides a unique backdrop for the daily prayers. In the early mornings, Fajr prayer offers a tranquil start to the day, allowing worshippers to begin their day with reflection and peace. As the day progresses and the sun reaches its peak, Zuhr prayer provides a much-needed spiritual pause, offering a moment of tranquility and connection amidst daily activities. The late afternoon Asar prayer helps to maintain this spiritual balance, offering calm and preparation for the evening. The sunset at Maghrib marks the end of the day, a time for gratitude and reflection as the day transitions to night. Finally, Isha prayer brings serenity and peace to the night, offering a moment for introspection and connection with the divine. These prayer times help the faithful in Bahawalpur stay connected to their spirituality and find peace throughout the day.

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